Colombia real estate - page 1

Colombia real estate by State


Valle del Cauca

55% of the population living in Valle del Cauca has an economic level above the national average.


52% of the population living in Tolima has an economic level above the national average.


11% of the population living in Putumayo has an economic level above the national average.

San Andrés, Providencia y Sta Catalina

24% of the population living in San Andrés, Providencia y Sta Catalina has an economic level above the national average.


13% of the population living in Quindío has an economic level above the national average.

Norte de Santander

69% of the population living in Norte de Santander has an economic level above the national average.


12% of the population living in Vaupés has an economic level above the national average.


82% of the population living in Santander has an economic level above the national average.


59% of the population living in Sucre has an economic level above the national average.


20% of the population living in Vichada has an economic level above the national average.


10% of the population living in Nariño has an economic level above the national average.


48% of the population living in Risaralda has an economic level above the national average.

La Guajira

38% of the population living in La Guajira has an economic level above the national average.


93% of the population living in Meta has an economic level above the national average.


20% of the population living in Magdalena has an economic level above the national average.
❮ See top States in Colombia